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Users can contribute towards moderation by down-voting messages that seem inappropriate. Down-voted messages may appear as collapsed or unreadable. Down-voted messages have an up-vote button on them. You can up-vote the messages from users that are adding value to the conversation.
We can detect unintended use of the voting tool and disqualify those who cast such votes.
This is a nice feature but it may too visible in that it makes it too easy for people to abuse it. I don’t think it should show on the message itself, but have the option added to the menu next to each message as it is too easy to tap the button accidentally if chat moves while tagging someone’s name.
Hi Glen, thank you for us know of the issue. We have altered it and now, a dialog box will ask the users to confirm their action. “I don’t think it should show on the message itself, but have the option added to the menu next to each message as it is too easy to tap the button accidentally if chat moves while tagging someone’s name.”, yes we have that in mind and we will alter it to be suitable.
No y99 blogger ever replies to my queries. Maybe I need to downvote my existence.
Hi Zehra, awful downvotes get cleared out. Anyone to misuse the downvote will be restricted to participate in moderation afterwards.
My ID got downvoted plz help me to gt upvote
i need different budges